Taking a Holistic Approach to Women's Wellness

Taking a holistic approach refers to treating the body as a whole. Rather than treating one symptom or area of concern, the entire body is treated.

Mentally, physically and emotionally.

When dealing with the whole of a person, a holistic approach aims to bring whole-body healing rather than just one part. The whole body is connected, and should be treated as such when navigating wellness!

This especially applies to women, as each person is different from the next and has their own complex health history. In this article, we are going to take a closer look at things that a woman can do when taking a holistic approach to health, wellness and long-term happiness!

Balanced Diet

Being healthy is something that many of us aspire to. Especially when it comes to topics such as weight loss, improved energy or the reduced risk of disease. One of the best ways that you can achieve a whole-body approach to improved health is through a balanced diet!

Everything that you put into your body is important. Not only does it satisfy your hunger and provide you with energy, but it can also have an impact on your physical and mental health. The vitamins and nutrients are absorbed to help support the different areas of your body.

To get started, start incorporating more healthy food and limiting the unhealthier options. By swapping certain food for healthier options, you can take a slower and more intentional approach to a healthier diet. Making minor changes can help you to adapt easier.

Hydration is key to achieving wellness through a balanced diet! Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, if not ten or more! Not only does water help to support your overall health and digestion, but it can also help you to feel full and satisfied.

Regular Exercise

Moving your body regularly is key to a well-rounded healthy lifestyle.

Whether you’re experiencing low energy levels, poor sleep patterns or weight gain, regular exercise can support your overall wellness in many ways.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. What works for you may not work for another, so this may require some trial and error - until you find your best approach!

For many who live a sedentary lifestyle, the best way to start incorporating more exercise is by walking every day. This is a low-impact and low-stress way to get your body moving, burn calories and get outside!

As you continue your health and wellness journey, you may want to engage in the following forms of exercise and physical activity:

  • Cycling

  • Swimming

  • Hiking

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Zumba

Spending time at the gym is another great way to get active regularly! Many gyms offer personal training sessions and workout classes, which can provide you with guidance and support as you begin your fitness journey.

Vitamins and Supplements

For many, adding vitamins and supplements into your lifestyle can make all the difference.

They can help to:

  • Support the natural function of your body

  • Incorporate more nutrients

  • Add more protein into your diet

  • Boost the production of positive endorphins

  • Improve collagen levels

  • Increase iron levels

The vitamins and supplements that you take should be based on your unique health. This can often be determined by how you are feeling, your health goals and diagnostic testing. If you aren’t sure where to get started, a Naturopathic Doctor may be able to help.

Stress, Sleep and Relaxation

Do you experience high levels of stress?

Stress can have numerous negative effects on the body. By prioritizing your sleep and overall relaxation, you can actively participate in stress reduction.

Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can have a range of negative effects on your overall health and wellness. From low energy levels and weight gain, to irritability and even the increased risk of certain diseases, not getting enough sleep, especially as a woman, can be detrimental to your health.

Here are the best ways to improve your sleep:

  • Enjoy a relaxing bedtime routine

  • Create a comfortable sleep environment

  • Consider melatonin supplements

  • Reduce screen time before bed

Prioritizing Relaxation

Relaxation is key to self-care. It can also look different from one person to the next. As a woman, it’s important to identify which activities and practices bring relaxation to your life.

To help support your relaxation, consider the following:

  • Practice mindfulness and empathy

  • Write in a journal regularly

  • Practice yoga and meditation

  • Go for a walk or hike

  • Spend more time in nature

  • Listen to soothing music

  • Read calming books that you enjoy

How will you prioritize your relaxation and self-care?

Holistic Health and Beauty Services

There are a number of health and beauty services that can complement your holistic approach to better health. From soothing facials and Gua Sha, to certain therapies and services.

With a whole-body approach to better health, many women have found a lasting solution to supporting their overall health and living a happier lifestyle.

To learn more about treatments and services that can help you take a holistic approach to your wellness, contact our team of experts at The Powder Room today. We proudly serve Mississauga, Oakville and communities throughout the GTA with luxury medical aesthetics services and solutions.

With the right approach, you can become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself!


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